(CEO LE' NALORS) How did you get into doing some modeling ?
(NATALIE) Well my mom always encouraged me growing up, but I didnt get really serious about it until I started bartending and my photographer d suave really talked me into it.
(CEO LE’NALORS) I see the beautiful tattoo work you have … What made You pick that design and location of your tattoo ?
(NATALIE) I just had so many ideas in my head and a limited area to work with since I wanted them to all be hidden unless I show them. I wanted to make sure I look professional when I need, to and edgy when I wanted to lol. I wanted something that no one else had and I think I accomplished that. ;-)
(CEO LE’NALORS) It seems D Suave has done a lot of photos for you ..Is he your favorite photographer and how did you begin working with him ?
(NATALIE) I was bartending at a club that he did photography at and he constantly instilled in my mind that I should model. one day I saw his work and was extremely impressed so I wanted to do a shoot and see for myself how well I could do. when I saw the work, I was immediately addicted to modeling and I made him my official photographer.
(CEO LE' NALORS) What goals would you love to acheive when it's all said and done?
(NATALIE) I would love to be a voice jockey n BET or MTV, I really want to show my personality as well as my different look.
(CEO LE' NALORS) Do you have anyone that you looked uped to or admire ?
(NATALIE) I've always looked up to alisha keys. I love her swag, beauty and hustle.
(CEO LE' NALORS) Do you have anything that you have already acomplished in your life that your proud of ?
(NATALIE) I've posed for magazines, I've done a small role in a movie (the cookout 2), I've seen myself in music videos on tv and online, and I now host parties and events all over florida.
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