Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Le'Nalors News of The Week - B.G. Comes For Turk's On Diss Track "HANDS UP"

B.G. Says Turk Wouldn't Be 'Missed' If He Was Left Out Of Hot Boys Reunion

Things between New Orleans, Louisiana rap group Hot Boys are weird, to say the least. Since their "reunion" at the Essence Festival a few months back, B.G. and Turk specifically are seemingly the ones with the most issues. Lil Wayne's name can also be thrown in the mix too, so overall, there's just a lot wrong. But back to B.G. and Turk. The former has had it out for the latter ever since he cited "business" issues being his reasoning for not attending. This set off B.G. big time, eventually leading to rant that still leaves a lot up to interpretation of what is exactly going on. ""It’s only one n**** ain’t in this b****, you heard me? He brought that on his self, you heard me? N**** did a bunch of h*e s*** and can’t take it back. He gotta fault his self for not being here", B.G. said passionately. "The n**** know what he did last summer. And I’ma just leave it like that".

Turk would go on to respond to that callout, starting a back-and-forth disagreement. Now, B.G. is taking things to booth today, as he drops "HANDS UP". On the YouTube exclusive song, he essentially recites some of those same quotables above in addition to saying Turk should have never been a part of Hot Boys. The latter alludes to another previous video in which B.G. said that no one would miss Turk if he never rejoined the group. He ends of the song with some lines about how on real dudes should put their hands up. It will be interesting to see if Turk responds, especially given his previous statements.


The Le'Nalors News of The Week - SHOCKER: Martin Bakole Stops Jared Anderson In The 5th Round!

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Martin Bakole is a 6’6” giant who hits with the power of a wrecking ball and precision of a surgeon who specializes in separating conjoined twins. He’s complained to anyone who’d listen that he’s the most avoided heavyweight in boxing. After what he did to Jared “The Real Big Baby” Anderson in Los Angeles, a lot of big names might start avoiding him for real.

Anderson was supposed to be the next big thing in American heavyweights. He was undefeated with 15 knockouts in 17 fights. The kid from Toledo had fast hands and knockout power. He trained with the great SugarHill Steward. Half-smart boxing people were already talking about him facing champions like Tyson Fury someday.

But Bakole had other ideas. He came into the ring looking like a mountain at 285 pounds, though this was svelte compared to past weigh-ins. Anderson weighed 252, the heaviest of his career, but he still looked tiny next to the man from Congo.

From the opening bell, you could see the difference. Anderson tried to keep his distance, popping precise jabs and quick combinations. But Bakole just walked through them like they were raindrops. He didn’t even blink when Anderson landed clean shots.

Late in the first round, Bakole showed what real heavyweight power looks like. He caught Anderson with a right uppercut that snapped his head back, nearly separating it from his neck. Then he unloaded a series of hooks that had Anderson stumbling into the ropes. It was the first time Anderson had ever been knocked down as a pro. The look on his face said he’d just been hit by something he’d never felt before.

Anderson tried to box smart in the second round. But Bakole kept coming forward, cutting off the ring. His uppercuts were finding a home. His hooks were thudding into Anderson’s body and head. The American’s fast, gym-honed combinations weren’t having any effect. It was like watching a man try to chop down a redwood with a pocket knife.

By the third round, Anderson was in survival mode. Bakole’s heavy jab kept pushing him back. When Anderson tried to stand his ground and trade, Bakole’s punches were heavier, louder. You could almost feel them through the TV screen. Anderson was game, but he was getting beaten up.

The fourth round saw Anderson switch to an orthodox stance, trying to find an answer. But there was no solving the Bakole puzzle. The big man from Congo kept landing punishing shots. Anderson couldn’t get away from the ropes. He was taking a beating.

The end came in the fifth. Bakole landed a left hook on Anderson’s jaw that dropped him hard. The American got up, but his legs were gone. Bakole didn’t waste time. A straight right hand put Anderson down again. When the referee let it continue, Bakole swarmed all over him. The ref had seen enough and waved it off.

Just like that, the Jared Anderson hype train came to a crashing halt. And Martin Bakole announced himself as a real player in the heavyweight division.